rapid results Blog
How do you increase the loyalty and motivation of your staff?
Every time an employee leaves the company it costs the company time, money and effort to replace them. Most of the research suggests the amount of money it costs to replace an employee is at least equal to and often greater than their leaving annual salary. So...
Use LEGO Serious Play in your next team meeting
We've all been in meetings that have been dominated by a few people and where some people never contribute. Well, that can be a thing of the past with LEGO Serious Play. The process allows for all participants to be equally involved where all contribute and share...
The future trends of training and employee learning
The past few years have seen changing trends in training habits for a lot of businesses. Compliance training and essential training continue to happen because without them some businesses couldn't function. Other training though, often considered optional training or...
How to deal with conflict
As we all know, sometimes life throws up unexpected problems or situations that we would rather not have to deal with. When there are arguments or disagreements, whether at home or in the workplace, it's easy to put them in the 'too hard' basket and hope things will...
How to set up a Team Charter
One way you can help your team to peer manage each other is to set up a team charter. This is a set of guidelines that says, ‘This is how we work around here’. Another name for this is a Team Constitution. Always include the team in setting up a team charter. Never...
Be the solution not the problem
When you are in a customer service industry you tend to notice things more and see examples everywhere. Most weekends I go out to play golf with a few friends, we tend to start early so we still have the rest of the day free afterwards. We like to try different golf...
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