What is LEGO Serious Play?

Having used LEGO Serious Play for a number of years and seen its positive effects in the boardroom and training room, I'd like to answer this question of, 'What is LEGO Serious Play?' and the next one which is probably, "What can it do for me and my business?" What is...

How do you get HR & Training programmes approved?

The world has frequently experienced periods of economic uncertainty. While economies are somewhat fragile, trying to get organisational investment in some areas – in particular training and HR programmes - is somewhat difficult. What is it that prevents organisations...

How can you be a more effective leader?

There are so many leadership concepts out there. Some good, some great and some just shouldn't be out there at all! Overall though there's some pretty good stuff to be had from friends, mentors and from trawling the internet on how to be a more effective leader....