The 6 E's Of What Is Leadership?

Brendon Burchard is the world’s leading high performance coach and one of the most-watched, quoted and followed personal development trainers in history. He is also in the Top 100 Most Followed Public Figures on Facebook. More than 50,000,000 people watched his videos in the last 12 months, 30,000,000 see his posts every week online and 1,000,000-plus students have completed his online courses and video series. For these results, named him “one of the most successful online trainers in history.”

Practice One: Envision

Great leaders Envision what the world could be tomorrow. A world that they, others or their team would want to work towards together. No Vision People Perish. Envision isn't just one and done.... it's a continuous practice focusing on what tomorrow should look like.

Practice Two: Enlist

Enlist people into your Vision. Enlist others to share their voice and opinion about where your team or organisation is going. People support what they help create. If people are involved in the ideation of the vision they will buy into it.

Practice Three: ​Embody

Great leaders embody their message. They stand for something. It's the congruence between what they say they are and how they are behaving. Your team or organisation wont believe the message unless they believe the messenger. Leaders have to stand for, demonstrate and show and portray what they really believe in. 

Practice Four: Empower

Give people to trust and authority to be able to work towards the vision. To allow them the strength the input, equip them with the training and tools to allow them to succeed. Its vital. Have to equip your team to kick some butt. It's a vital practice of every great leader.

Practice Five: Evaluate

Evaluate. One of the hardest things to do. Evaluate skills, needs, ethics that are going on in our team. Are we being excellent and ethical. Are we progressing? If not why? These are the questions we have to ask every single day. Give honest, direct and immediate feedback to those we are trying to lead. It's vital that we are paying attention. That we never check out.

Practice Six: Encourage

Be the champion. Be the cheerleader. Always being inspiring your team. You need to encourage people every single day. Get people excited. Motivate them with your passion and your example. Encourage people when it gets hard because it will get hard. As your organisation grows things will get hard. When the chips are down you're still that beam of light. When it gets difficult, when you the struggle comes in... you are solid.​

Last thought: Try never to use the word follower. People aren't following you. They are collaborators. when you get people to collaborator with you with all these 6 E's you are building leaders!​